The Case of Abortion is a Problem its Legalization in Territory of Timor-Leste (2024).

Research Article

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  • Acácio de Jesus



The Case of Abortion Modality Amplification in the Pregnancy of the Legal Aspects


Introduction:  The main objective of this article is to approach the case of abortion with the form or manner in general and the modalities of pregnancy existing in Timor-Leste.  Thus, the unsuccessful case is determined as the interruption of the pregnant woman with the destruction of the product of conception of human intercourse. The case of abortion can be classified into two models, such as spontaneous and instigated abortion.

Objective For what will be analyzed and examined about abortion or undue abortion is the problem of its legalisation which does not yet exist in the context of law and institution in Timor-Leste.          

Methodology: We used the deductive methodology in this composition and elaboration, because all research investigations are done through the library and other references were consulted in international articles and on the internet as a means of supporting and assisting in the study.

Discussion: In the terms applied of spontaneous and when abortion happens naturally and induction is when the pregnant woman is interrupted by the will of the woman or mother. For many, the possibility of taking care of themselves is not fully supported by the legal system and the Catholic religion. For this reason, each place has its own process and seeks to solve it in a way that is more appropriate to the environment in which it lives, not forgetting or forgetting that the laws are the same tools of implementation. Thus, this study is to discuss and understand the legal aspects of the legality of abortion according to the Penal Codes and Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (CRDTL) to be valid and considered in the legal framework accordingly.

Conclusion: The criminalization of abortion is historically related to social, political, religious and economic interests depending on the time and location, in addition to being adequate with the cultural understanding of what it is to be a woman, the meaning of pregnancy and the baby, in a public health condition cited by (Tilman CB & Acácio J., 2024).


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How to Cite

Acácio de Jesus. (2024). The Case of Abortion is a Problem its Legalization in Territory of Timor-Leste (2024).: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(2), 1–10.


