Splenic Tuberculosis

Review Article

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  • marouane mountassir




Splenectomy, splenic tuberculosis, abdominal tuberculosis


Introduction: Splenic tuberculosis is a rare hematopoietic localization of this infectious pathology. Representing 1% of all tuberculosis sites and 10% of extrapulmonary localizations (1). Herein, we present a case discovered incidentally during splenectomy for splenic tuberculosis.

The aim of our study is to highlight the diagnostic challenges and evaluate the role of surgery in its management.

Patient & Observation: Patient Information: A 37-year-old male, known case of schizophrenia under treatment, chronic smoker with a history of 10 pack-years, occasional alcohol consumer, and cannabis user. His symptoms began a year prior to admission with left hypochondrial abdominal pain, progressively worsening, non-radiating, with associated chronic constipation, no external gastrointestinal bleeding, all occurring amidst a febrile sensation and general deterioration marked by asthenia, anorexia, and a weight loss of 15 kg over 6 months.


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How to Cite

marouane mountassir. (2024). Splenic Tuberculosis: Review Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(4), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.58372/2835-6276.1156


