Caesarean section according to Misgav Ladach

Research Article

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  • Felis S



Caesarean, Misgav, Ladach


The Misgav Ladach method for cesarean section is based on the principles of surgical minimalism. This is based on the Joel Cohen laparotomy, somewhat higher than the Pfannenstiel incision. Subcutaneous tissue is left undisturbed apart from the midline, rectus muscles are separated by pulling. The peritoneum is opened by stretching with index fingers. The hysterotomy is closed with one layer extraendometrial continuous absorbable stitches (Vicryl), and the visceral and parietal peritoneal layers are left open. Fascia is stitched with a continuous synthetic absorbable stitch. The skin is closed with intracutaneous resorptive suture or metallic stapler sutures. The Misgav Ladach method is restrictive in the use of sharp instruments preferring manual manipulation: it gives faster recovery, shorter period to normal bowel function, less peritoneal adhesions and less scarring in the abdominal layers, less use of postoperative antibiotics, analgesics and antipyretics, and a shorter anesthetic and operative time. It is ideal for emergency and planned cesarean section.


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How to Cite

S, F. (2023). Caesarean section according to Misgav Ladach: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 2(8), 1–9.


