Research Article

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  • Felis S



postpartum hemorrhage, oxitocine, quantitative blood loss, target therapy, delivery room


Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the primary cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide: in fact, about a quarter of deaths that occur during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium are caused by postpartum hemorrhage. There are many causes of postpartum haemorrhage, the most important are: uterine atony, lacerations of the cervix and/or perineum, retention of placental material, coagulation problems, uterine inversion, uterine rupture. This causes of PPH are represented by the '4Ts' formula: tone, tissue, trauma, thrombin.

An important role is played by prevention: identification of risk factors, prophylaxis with oxytocin at the time of delivery, early treatment. The first important thing is the quantification of blood loss because the clinical signs are often blurred and due to frank anaemia resulting in tachycardia, small and frequent pulse, hypotension, sweating, paleness. As previously mentioned, it is important to act early in the case of PPH through maintenance of volaemia and targeted therapies that differ according to the cause of PPH (the 4T algorithm is useful). Early intervention reduces the need for blood transfusions and reduces the incidence of serious complications such as DIC. However, the management of postpartum haemorrhage is not limited to the postpartum phase, but the patient must be monitored in the puerperium, a phase in which the thromboembolic risk is increased. The couple must also be informed of the risk of PPH in future pregnancies.

PPH represents a serious risk for the patient and requires multidisciplinary input and proper preparation of the team working in the delivery room.


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How to Cite

Felis S. (2023). POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 2(11), 1–28.


