Gastroduodenal trichobezoar: about a case

Case Report

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  • Malik Zarhouni baallal Centre Hospitalier Universitaire IBN Rochd | CHU Rochd · Department of General Surgery



Gastric trichobezoar, esophagogastroduodenal fibroscopy, gastrotomy, psychiatry


Trichobezoar is a rare condition, but easy to diagnose in an evocative context. We report an observation of a young girl of 17 years old who reports the notion of onychophagia and trichophagia since the age of 12 years admitted for chronic abdominal pain, the abdominal scanner made it possible to suspect a bezoar by objectifying heterogeneous lesions occupying the entire stomach, not taking up the contrast and seeming independent of the gastric wall and confirmed by an esophago-gastroduodenal fibroscopy which showed the trichobezoar.

Surgical treatment was carried out with excision of the trichobezoar by gastrotomy without complications. Psychiatric treatment was provided.


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How to Cite

Zarhouni baallal, M. (2024). Gastroduodenal trichobezoar: about a case: Case Report. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(4), 1–5.


