Rare and interesting case of choroidal melanoma presenting as a case of Acute congestive glaucoma Left eye in a 55 years old male patient

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  • Gowhar Ahmad




Progress and painless VISUAL field loss, Paracentral scotoma, Blued vision, A c glaucoma a a glaucoma sec glaucoma occular hypertension ch uvitis, Vitrous floaters severe occular pain, Diagnostic modalities, DIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPY, Indirect OPHTHALMOSCOPy


Choroidal melanomas are one of the commonest intraocular tumours which are either benign or malignant Pigmented or non pigmented More common in whites than blacks have got an early tendency for liver metastasis however if diagnosed and treated in time one can prevent liver metastasis They are 6.5 per million in U S A And 7 PER million in DENMARK AND ITHER SCANDINAVIAN CIUNTRRIS They are 80 PERCENT CHOROIDAL 12 AND 8 PERECENT INVOLVE C BODY AND IRIS RESPECTIVELY Very difecult to diagnose due to their atypical manifestations however in most of cases present as solid or exudative retinal detachment on bscan ultrasound or indirect OPHTHALMOSCOPY Malignant melanomas of c body yields poor results as far as treatment is concerned.


In institute of ophthalmology Manchester London a otbif c melanoma presented as a c g not responding to treatment m rbi scan showed ch m so enucleation was done In Basvon palmer institute of ophthalmology University of Florida and Miami 2 PATIENTS of C MELANOMA PREENTS WITH A A C GLAUCOMA.

Sometimes ch melanoma can present as sec glaucoma in institute of ophthalmology and pathology University of cario Egypt a otbif c melaoma presented with sec GLAUCOMA did not respond to treatment m rbi scan showed c melanomaso enucleation bwas done Malignant melanoma of c body can present as occular hypertension or ch uveitis Vetrex vaices can present as uveal melanoma a benign condition.




How to Cite

Gowhar Ahmad. (2023). Rare and interesting case of choroidal melanoma presenting as a case of Acute congestive glaucoma Left eye in a 55 years old male patient. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 2(1), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.58372/2835-6276.1018


