Understanding Obesity: A Study of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Lesotho's Healthcare Settings

Research Article

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  • Bokang Mahlelehlele
  • Phiri J Letuka
  • Masepiriti Takane
  • Puleng Noka
  • Ithabeleng Mochekoane




obesity, knowledge, attitudes, practices, adults


Purpose: The study assessed knowledge, attitudes and practices of adults towards obesity in selected hospitals in Lesotho.

Design: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study was carried

Methods: Researchers recruited 175 adults in outpatient departments from Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The convenience sampling method was used to select respondents. Mean and sample standard deviation scores were computed to determine associations among variables.

Findings: Mean and standard deviation scores revealed significant differences in the levels of knowledge, attitudes, and practices between respondents from different study settings. Respondents from Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital attained maximum scores in attitudes (M = 79.50, SD = 30.09) and practice (M = 33.80, SD = 15.81), while those from St. Joseph Hospital showed better knowledge scores (M = 72.20, SD = 16.83).

Conclusion: Despite the satisfying knowledge and attitudes scores of adults towards obesity, their level of practice was alarmingly low.

Clinical evidence: Obesity and its problems can be combated with sufficient education, a positive mind-set, and healthy habits. The recommendation is that national campaigns be conducted in rural areas to enhance public awareness and practices around overweight and obesity.


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How to Cite

Bokang Mahlelehlele, Phiri J Letuka, Masepiriti Takane, Puleng Noka, & Ithabeleng Mochekoane. (2024). Understanding Obesity: A Study of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Lesotho’s Healthcare Settings: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(8), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.58372/2835-6276.1195


