Determinants Of The Neonatal Prognosis In Briech Delivery In Primipparous About 627 Cases At The Nabil Choucair Health Center In Dakar, Senegal From 2005 To 2023

Research Article

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Breech presentation, Primiparous, Childbirth, Nabil CHOUCAIR, Senegal


OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to describe the frequency and sociodemographic profile of primiparous women with fetuses in breech presentation, and to assess the maternofetal prognosis of breech presentation in primiparous women.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, descriptive and analytical study carried out at the Nabil Choucair Health Center over a period from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2023. The study included all primiparous women carrying a singleton pregnancy. whose term was greater than 22 weeks of amenorrhea who came to give birth at the Nabil Choucair health center. Patients whose files were unusable due to a significant number of missing data, as well as terminated pregnancies were excluded.

Data entry and analysis were carried out using Excel software. It included two parts: descriptive analysis and analytical analysis.

In the descriptive analysis, the quantitative variables were described in number, percentage and average.

The analytical study consisted of researching the link between the route of delivery and the parameters which can influence it theoretically and thus as well as the maternofetal prognosis. The Chi2 test was used for comparison of proportion. The difference was statistically significant when the p value was strictly less than 0.05. The Odds surrounded by the 95% confidence interval made it possible to determine the strength of the link.

CONCLUSION: Vaginal delivery of breech presentation in primiparous women is still possible in a level II maternity ward with an operating theater. Indications for cesarean section should be reserved for breech presentations in primiparous women associated with other risk factors.


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How to Cite

MOR CISSE. (2024). Determinants Of The Neonatal Prognosis In Briech Delivery In Primipparous About 627 Cases At The Nabil Choucair Health Center In Dakar, Senegal From 2005 To 2023: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(8), 1–8.


