The methodology for diagnosing and managing stress developed by Grivtsova, as an independent method and as part of the preparation for inducing lucid dreams within the framework of the “Bancheko Extended Algorithm,” and its application in the “Global Forecasting System,” serves as a means of transferring transcendental states of consciousness within the “Bancheko-Technology Set”

Research Article

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  • Denis Yurievich Banchenko



brain electrical activity, stress, neurobiological mechanisms, oscillations and waves, electroencephalography, amplitude difference


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the increase in stressful situations due to the accelerating pace of life, environmental pollution, urbanization, technological progress, and low socio-economic living standards of the population, underpins the rise in neurological diseases. Consequently, one of the crucial tasks in practical psychology and applied psychophysiology is the timely and comprehensive diagnosis and correction of borderline forms of psychological disorders.

This study examines the application of stress diagnosis and correction methodologies. The foundation is the wave model of brain electrical activity, observed using electroencephalography, based on an algorithm developed during the experiment.

The key hypothesis of the study suggests that by following the developed self-organization system, based on performing simple actions, individuals with disrupted brain electrical activity due to various stressors can avoid pharmacological interventions.

It has been shown that the consequences of stress primarily include increased tension in the central nervous system (sympathetic component) and insufficient relaxation (parasympathetic component). During the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the following effects were observed in subjects: poor sleep in patients with gastritis, drowsiness and headaches in individuals with allergies, chronic migraines, and neurological pains in the head on the left side along the trigeminal nerve, meteorological dependence in hypertensive patients, and jaw locking and right-side pain in those with traumatic brain injuries. Correction of these disorders took into account their stress-induced nature. A method for rehabilitating emotional-affective disorders in individuals is proposed to overcome stressful situations. The obtained data suggest that the proposed method of restorative alpha rhythm through neurotraining has high potential in therapeutic work for overcoming and correcting stress in people from various social groups, ages, and professions.


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How to Cite

Denis Yurievich Banchenko. (2024). The methodology for diagnosing and managing stress developed by Grivtsova, as an independent method and as part of the preparation for inducing lucid dreams within the framework of the “Bancheko Extended Algorithm,” and its application in the “Global Forecasting System,” serves as a means of transferring transcendental states of consciousness within the “Bancheko-Technology Set”: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(9), 1–15.


