vermicular enterobius: incidental intraoperative finding during laparoscopic appendectomy

Case Report

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  • Ichrak Bouali medecin



Appendicitis, vermicular enterobius, treatment


Acute appendicitis is the most common intra-abdominal pathology requiring emergency surgery. The etiology of acute appendicitis includes both infectious and non-infectious causes. Although parasitic diseases are rare in developed countries, they are more common in developing countries. Pinworm is a highly contagious infection, considered to be the most common helminthic infection. The association of this parasitic infestation with the pathogenesis of acute appendicitis has been studied for many years and is still unclear. We report the case of a patient with symptoms of acute appendicitis in whom intramural parasites were discovered during laparoscopic surgery.


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How to Cite

Bouali, I. (2024). vermicular enterobius: incidental intraoperative finding during laparoscopic appendectomy: Case Report. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(11), 1–4.


