Malignant varicella and tuberculosis co-infections in a 15-year-old HIV-positive patient at Brazzaville University Hospital

Case Report

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  • Bienvenu Rolland OSSIBI IBARA



Varicella, Tuberculosis, Co-infection, CHU, Brazzaville


Tuberculosis and chickenpox are two infectious, contagious diseases, transmitted mainly by the respiratory route, and associated with promiscuity, often reflecting low socio-economic status. These two diseases continue to pose a real public health problem in tropical environments such as the Congo. While diagnosis is often straightforward in the case of chickenpox, it requires careful input when associated with tuberculosis, certain symptoms of which may be confused with complications of chickenpox, as in the case of a 15-year-old non-immunosuppressed HIV patient hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of Brazzaville University Hospital.


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How to Cite

Bienvenu Rolland OSSIBI IBARA. (2025). Malignant varicella and tuberculosis co-infections in a 15-year-old HIV-positive patient at Brazzaville University Hospital: Case Report. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 4(1), 1–4.


