Biomechanism of Coffee Consumption for Maintaining Teeth Health Benefit
Research Article
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Biomechanism, coffee, teeth, healthy, benefitAbstract
There are many cases and diseases related to teeth. All of us understand, that the first way for eating is from digestion. Teeth are one of the decay way for digestion. So, we have to take care of our teeth health benefit for getting good and healthy teeth always in our life for avoiding teeth problems and diseases.
Coffee is one the most favorable drinking in this world that we always love for drinking in all of the condition and situation in our life and modern life style.Coffee has many healthy benefit. So many researchs and studies proved that coffee has many health benefit for our healthy body. But, we have no clearly proving and understanding related to the biomechanism of coffee for getting our healthy teeth benefit that influence our healthy body,too in obes and non obes. So the aim of this manuscript is to discusss the biomechanism of coffee for maintaining health teeth benefit.
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