Induction of labor in obese women

Research Article

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  • Salvatore Felis



labor in obese women


People with obesity may require induction of labour (IoL) due to a higher incidence of pre-existing comorbidities and pregnancy complications, as well as to prevent post-term pregnancies and late-term stillbirths. IoL at 39 e 40 weeks is associated with fewer caesarean births and lower morbidity for the pregnant person and neonate when compared with expectant management. Ensuring the success and safety of IoL in people with obesity requires adherence to evidence-based protocols for the management of labour induction and augmentation. Cervical ripening as well as the latent and active phases of labour in people with obesity may be considerably prolonged, requiring higher cumulative doses of oxytocin. This should be guided by intrauterine pressure catheters and early provision of neuraxial analgesia, where possible. There is insufficient evidence to recommend one method of IoL over another. The need for higher doses of prostaglandins and concurrent agents for cervical ripening should be studied in prospective studies.


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How to Cite

Salvatore Felis. (2023). Induction of labor in obese women: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 2(9), 1–14.


