Role of routine urine culture in diagnoses of asymptomatic bacteriurea& hence decreasing UTI complication during pregnancy

Research Article

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  • Elmahaishi MS



urinary tract infection, symptomatic &asymptomatic bacteriurea pyelonephritis , preterm labor, Low birth weight, anemia


In order to decrease the complications of urinary tract infection during pregnancy as abortion, preterm labor ,IUGR, stillbirth, and pregnancy induced hypertension and  cost effective to decrease hospital admission .

prospective controlled study of 300 pregnant patients, were divided to groups according to presence of bacteriurea, and then to presence of symptoms. The age of patients were between 19 &42 years (average=30yr.).and the parity ranged from primigravida up to Para seven .urine examination and culture sensitivity done for all ,the patients who diagnosed and treated according to the results of investigations and before they developed symptoms ,they had less complications during their pregnancies and better outcome after delivery.

Conclusion: Our study  prove that routine urine examination ,and urine culture &sensitivity at every trimester in pregnant lady will gives cheap ,easy, and non invasive method for diagnosis and subsequent treatment of urinary tract infection.


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How to Cite

Elmahaishi MS. (2024). Role of routine urine culture in diagnoses of asymptomatic bacteriurea& hence decreasing UTI complication during pregnancy: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(2), 1–13.


