Mental Activity And Psychosomatic Expressions In Digital Times

Research Article

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  • Tania Leme da Rocha Martinez



Digital, Mental, Physical, Psychosomatic, Symptoms


Mental activity and its psychosomatic repercussions are influenced by the prevailing culture, which is currently very much related to internet articles. The mechanism is the same, but with nuances of stimulation of the thoughts, of origin of the facts of contemporaneity. Affection is of paramount importance in the formation of thought. The mother without the ability to reverie would hinder the alpha function and thus disturb the emotion and the formation of thought - this is the importance of the first mold period. Affection unites with unconscious ideas and fantasies. Since the unconscious fantasies are psychic representatives of instinct, once connected with the unconscious ideas, they would have the manifestations of the affective state. This would be perceived thanks to the pleasant and unpleasant sensations. Probably the greatest contribution to the notion of an organic thought is that constituted by the conjugation of the theory of thought with the theory of instincts and with the theory of affects. The formation of symbols, by projective identification, gives rise to symbolic equations that result in a concrete thought and in the idea that the formation of the true symbols available for sublimation and communication depends on the elaboration of the anguish of depression. The symbol is concretely assimilated with the symbolized object. The symbolic equation is the complete assimilation of the symbol, which is a part of the body, with the symbolized. Nowadays the peculiarity is the cyber effect on behavior, the ideas that arise from internet communications in various senses, either good or bad. In conclusion, thinking and imagination can lead to symptoms and demonstrate what it is like to speak in each body.


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How to Cite

Tania Leme da Rocha Martinez. (2024). Mental Activity And Psychosomatic Expressions In Digital Times: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(6), 1–8.


