Black Hole In The Psychic Orbit

Review Article

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  • Tania Leme da Rocha Martinez



Black holes, Depression, Existential anguish, Psychoanalysis, Psychology


The "existential emptiness" originates in the contact with the mother, when the child does not receive rêverie, this special maternal love, because in its first years of existence the formation of thoughts and feelings begins, under the regency of the alpha bionian function. However, if the mother does not have rêverie, the nervous system - and not the whole organism - will cause the ideas to be processed in a distorted way in the adult, generating aggressiveness and inappropriate behaviors, in the social sphere and even in the sexual sphere, consisting of the "sex-object", or desire without love - love-hate - disturbing the love and marital life of the individual. Potentials for aggressiveness, whether in the Freudian sense or in its opposite, make society continue in a sub-human dimension. In the realm of properly human phenomena - the only one in which one could find the desire for a meaning to life - it could be admitted that it is precisely the frustration of this desire that stimulates aggressiveness. The search for peace will be doomed to sterility as long as one continues to interpret only the sub-human phenomenon of "aggression" without analyzing the human phenomenon of "hatred". We think that in this way peace would be in the opposite feeling to the guilty feeling. In conclusion, the metaphor of return - inanimate matter - is stronger than one thinks, because this petrification of the ego aims at anesthesia and the inertia of psychic death. It is just an aporia (hesitation). In the undead, certain schizophrenic states are common. To become aware of the Neutral is to be indifferent to human passions.


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How to Cite

Tania Leme da Rocha Martinez. (2024). Black Hole In The Psychic Orbit: Review Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(12), 1–11.


