The Alliance Of Imperfect Powers In The Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste

Research Article

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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



Decentralization, Limited Control, Democratization, Timor-Leste


Introduction: The present legislator of Timor -Leste has not yet satisfied its obligatory duty to oversee the ordinary laws provided for in the constitutional text, especially those related to the connection and application of the policy of political-administrative decentralization, in line with the national constitution.  in Timor. Leste The Central Government still collects all the power. In order to change this situation, it is urgent that the present ordinary legislator create laws on decentralization, so that it can strengthen the existence of local power, and, subsequently, to reach democratization.  

Research of Objective: The key or main objectives of the power in implementation of decentralization is a democratization defended of administration power. 

Result of Discussion: It is about giving opportunity to the delegation of authority to limited governments and societies, of central very position due to the administrative and political heterogeneity they have. The specific functions will be returned to the Municipalities, complete a process of consultation with the Ministries and then specified in the proposal for an organic Law on Local Government, with flexibility to adjust the subsequent and connected legal instruments. The application of the principle of democratization, can limited citizens have access to the decision-making process and the application of municipal procedures, with the development of the country.

Conclusion: In order to reach this goalmouth, it is urgently essential to realize the reality of application or implementation of this model.  The sovereignty body, of any kind the Ordinary Legislator, shall, with the out most urgency as possible, draw up the Local Government Act (provided for in Article 72/CDRTL-2002), the Law on the Division of the Administrative Organization (provided for in Article 71/CDRTL-2002) and the Law on Territorial Division (provided for in Article 5) , which always actualization and updated in the context of the Rule of Law of Democratic, Timor-Leste with regarding to all the laws of Nation have recognized the legal procedure cited by (Corte Real AG. & Tilman CB., 2024).


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2024). The Alliance Of Imperfect Powers In The Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(6), 1–12.




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