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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



And students, And nursing teaching, Teaching quality, Satisfaction


Introduction: In an attempt to respond to the various challenges and demands that have arisen in the community and higher education in Timor-Leste, there is a growing need to invest in the quality of education and specifically in the area of nursing education. The satisfaction or satisfaction of students is an indispensable indicator to evaluate this quality of teaching, with benefits for universities and for the whole community.  

Objective: to analyze the quality of teaching and the satisfaction of nursing students at the Timor Lorosae National University.  

Methodology: And everything quantitative, descriptive-analytical; Sample: 177 students attending the nursing course at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the National University of Timor Lorosae.  Data were collected through a questionnaire.  

Results: The quality of teaching, with a medium value of also 3, influences the academic success of students and the satisfaction of their expectations, translated by the degree of student satisfaction and the determination of the pedagogical points or critical teaching and learning in higher education schools.  

Conclusion: we found that although there is a coherence in the students' responses, mostly leveled by Good or Satisfied, there is still a long and hard work to be done in the department, reinforcing good pedagogical practices and measuring new bets, to develop a teaching adapted to the needs of students and nursing contexts in our country.


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2022). THE QUALITY OF TEACHING AND THE SATISFACTION OF NURSING STUDENTS AT THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY TIMOR LOROSA’E. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 1(2), 1–11.




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