The Knowledge Of Mothers At The Beginning Of Breastfeeding Of Newborns In A Maternity Room Gleno Health Center In The Municipality Of Ermera Timor-Leste, 2024.

Research Article

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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



Breastfeeding, Newborn, Maternity


Introduction: Breastfeeding is an invincible way of providing optimal food for the healthy development of infants and has unique biological and psychological effects on maternal health and infants' health in general. Global Health Perspective (2023) generally, the prevalence of early-initiation breastfeeding is around 43%. While the prevalence in European countries is 44%, it ranges from 35.7% to 88.2% among African countries, 39.8 to 43% in Asia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), in six developing countries with the risk of infant mortality between the ages of 6-12 months increased by 42% if the baby was not breastfed according to the criteria of healthy.

Research Objectives: About the degree of knowledge of mothers at the beginning of breastfeeding it is clear that to the newborn in the maternity room at Gleno Inpatient Health Center of the Municipality of Ermera Timor-Leste.

Research Methodology: This research uses the descriptive quantitative methodology, and with the Probabilistic Sampling technique with accidental type that defines 68 Sampling. We used the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 23 computer program to analyze the data with the questionnaire and analysis.

Outcome of Discussion: Based on the result on the degree of knowledge of mothers about the initiation of breastfeeding to newborns, focus on the level of knowing with the sufficient category with percentage 58.4%, understanding with sufficient category percentage 5.8%, in the application in good layer 56.4%, thus, indicates in the research result.

Conclusion: In the degree of knowledge of mothers about the beginning of breastfeeding, what to know in the group of sufficient (58.4%), understand with sufficient layer (5.7%) and application with good category 56.5%, according to the result of the research in the field of research cited by (Tilman CB., 2024).


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2024). The Knowledge Of Mothers At The Beginning Of Breastfeeding Of Newborns In A Maternity Room Gleno Health Center In The Municipality Of Ermera Timor-Leste, 2024.: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(12), 1–8.




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