Research Article

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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



Therapeutic Relation, Nurse, Client/Family


Introduction: The therapeutic relationship is a relationship oϐhelp that is established for the beneϐit of the client, while the client/family and friends relationships aim at the satisfaction or contentment of mutual needs. The patient helps people/clients seeking help, so the therapeutic relationship isessoal, customercentric and directed to achieve goals.

Thebjetivo: Analyze the opinion of clients about the therapeutic relationship between nurse/client/ family in the surgery service of the Guido Valadares National Hospital, Dili Timor-Leste.

Methodology: Nbone study we opted for an exploratory, descriptive research of quantitative approach. Data were obtained through the questionnaire application, theshow and 30 clients hospitalized in the men and women surgery wards. Use the sampling technique, probabilistic and by convenience sampling, also called accidental.

Results: We can point out by analyzing the results of the research that clients consider that nurses greet when they enter the room (90%), also explain all indications for discharge (83.34%), and in the preparation of discharge explain the care to be taken both to the client and to the family (100%). However, only (36.67%) clients reported that the nurse questions the client about their complaints and did not always show willingness to inform family (60%).

Conclusion: Clients hospitalized in the surgery service express a positive opinion about the therapeutic relationship between nurse/client/family, but there are some aspects that deserve attention, such as informing clients about the contraindications of medication and questioning the client about their complaints in the provision of the care inherent in the surgical process.


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2022). THE THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP NURSE/CLIENT/ FAMILY IN NURSING CARE IN A SURGERY SERVICE: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 1(1), 1–9.




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