Patients' Knowledge: The Use Of Captropil In The Treatment Of Hypertention Disease In Age 30-60 Years At The Suai Health Center, Village The Municipality Of Covalima [2024].

Research Article

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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



Knowledge, Hypertension, Medications , Captopril


Introduction: Hypertension is a health problem in all parts of the world and as one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension is also called as a non-communicable disease because hypertension is not transmitted from person to person.

Research Objective: To know the level of knowledge of patients the use of drug captropil in the treatment of hypertension diseases in age 30 -60 years in Suai Health Center Village the Municipality of Covalima Timor Leste.

Research Methodology: We use quantitative descriptive method, through the technical approach of sectoral study and technique analyzes data is univariate.

Results Discussion: The results of this research were about the level of knowledge of patients about the use of captopril drugs for patients with hypertension at the Suai Vila Health Center. The results of this research are divided into (2) parts as general and specific data. It shows that the level of knowledge knowing, the highest percentage is the level of knowledge of the category sufficient with a percentage of 37 (79%), is the level of knowledge and the lowest category less with a percentage of 6 (8%). Based on the results, the level of knowledge that they understand about the use of captopril drugs for the patient with the highest percentage of higher is the level of knowledge of the category sufficient with a percentage of 34 (47%). The lowest percentage is the level of knowledge in the category less than 9 (13%), cited by (Tilman CB., 2024).

Conclusion: patients' level of knowledge the use of captropil drug in the treatment of hypertension diseases at age 30 -60 years in Village Health Center the Municipality of Suai Covalima Timor-Leste the approximately are sufficient real situation cited by [Tilman CB., 2024].


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2024). Patients’ Knowledge: The Use Of Captropil In The Treatment Of Hypertention Disease In Age 30-60 Years At The Suai Health Center, Village The Municipality Of Covalima [2024].: Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(7), 1–9.




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