Research Article
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Prestation of Public Service, System of Administration, Public Function , Civil ServantsAbstract
Introduction: The provision of public service to the peoples is essential in a State of Democratic Law, since the servants of the people must act according to the laws, norms and deontological rules established by the PublicAuthority. Since the restoration of Timor-Leste's independence on May 20, 2002, we have had at a stage the installation of the systems of the Public Administration of Timor-Leste such as: the recruitment of Public Employees according to the rules established in the Public Ministry RDTL.
Objectives: To finalize the legal norms related to the public function; to identify and analyze the violations or functional disobediences by public officials, the types of disciplinary sanctions and their procedural and concrete challenges in the Civil Service.
Methodology: The bibliographic reference, because it uses the analysis of the norms and legal doctrines relevant to the chosen theme. The techniques employed in the collection and analysis of data are, the documentary technique and legal interpretation.
Discussion: Public officials must perform the tasks assigned in the employment contracts, and in carrying out their tasks respect the laws, legal norms and deontological norms of the public function, that is, the civil servants are the main elements of the human resources of the State apparatus, they play a determining role in the success of gorvernation and development. In the raison d'être of discipline, state servants must have high discipline, good performance, good attitude and good behavior, full loyalty and obdience to the state.
Conclusion: In the civil service, discipline is essential to support the proper execution of work and ensure good governance in all state institutions. Discipline in the Civil Service reflects the quality of responsibility, institutional integrity, the fulfillment of functional duties, good faith and the best performance of work that a person has for the tasks assigned to him cited by (Corte Real, AG., & Tilman CB, 2023).
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Corte Real AG et al (2023). A efetividade dos direitos fundamentais do ponto de vista Constituição da República Democrática de Timor-Leste em 2002: A dimensão como Estado de Direito Democrático
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