Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte Real Araújo



Introduction: Expropriation for public utility and established in article 54 or paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste (CRDTL) is common to the legal system of the vast majority of the state, but the legal requirements and administrative processes by which this prerogative is exercised in each of them and mostly different.   With all the legislation create the Law no. 8/2017 of 26 April on expropriations for public utility, to protect the rights over real estate of citizens and communities. To the extent that they must obtain the just indemnity that is sufficient calculations with adequate and fair payments, but in reality, not yet the just indemnification.

Objective:  to make known to the citizens or owners of real estate the right to contest when someone violates their right to obtain just indemination, despite contributing to the state, we must have adequate and fair counterparts with the expenses for their appropriate through the obtainment of just indeminization so that we weigh to obtain a dignified housing.

Methodology: We used the deductive methodology in this elaboration, because all the research is done through the library and other references were consulted on the internet as an auxiliary means.  

 Discussion: The ordinary legislature establishes in law 8/2017 the and office for the calculation of the value of the compensation through is the market value to fix that the compensation is fair to expropriated, not and sufficient to guarantee a fair compensation because there are some imoveis that it does not have a commercial value, but it has a personal value thatis not easily compensated.   In Timor-Leste, many people who suffer because of expropriation and do not receive fair compensation from the state, because ours is still at the beginning of development and society is obliged to sacrifice its ownership for the development of its country.   

Conclusion: The just compensation in the expropriation in the public utility in the Timor-Leste legal system, considered with duty of the state to make expropriation of the amount of the indemnity before the expropriated, the implementation in the capital of the nation cited by (Corte Real AG & Tilman CB, 2023).


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Research article ISSN 2835-6276




How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte Real Araújo. (2023). THE JUST ENDEMNIZATION IN THE EXPLOITATION FOR PUBLIC UTILITY IN THE TIMORESE LEGAL SYSTEM. : Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 2(7), 1–10.


