Duty Of Fatherhood From The Viewpoint Of The Timorese Lawful Classification

Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte Real Araújo




Duty Fatherhood , Timorese lawful classification


Introduction: Frequently the word duty has to do with the act performed by a person who is conflicting to the law, that is, the unlawful act; the duty we can consider it as an obligation of a person to do or not to do an act.  The swim we can say is the set of facts that give rise to the obligation to recompense the damage suffered by others, so there are five expectations of responsibility such as conduct, causal ity, injury and fault.  

Research Objective: To investigate and examine fatherhood duty from the viewpoint of the legal system from the standpoint of the Timorese lawful classification.  

Research Method: We are using the inductive methodology is based on the discussion of reference books, articles publications in my author published principal the library, and in this elaboration is also used the Internet as and supplementary resources.  

Discussion: The achievement of decopyrighting the child (fact), is the defilement of art.2023 and 2024 of the CCT, (unlawfully), this defilement takes place by will (fault), which causes the child to lose his correct to succeed (injury) however this conduct of decopyrighting the child through the will caused loss of the correct to succeed (fundamental link). 

Conclusion: Caws persuaded that, with the presentation of some essential elements linking the duty of fatherhood in a Timorese lawful viewpoint, based on the analysis of legislation and textual research, they show that the duty of fatherhood is a lasting duty and that responsibility commences at the moment as soon as the child is in the mother's womb until the demise of the father and continuation cited by (Corte Real AG & Tilman CB., at al, 2024).


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How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte Real Araújo. (2024). Duty Of Fatherhood From The Viewpoint Of The Timorese Lawful Classification : Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(7), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.58372/2835-6276.1187


