The Explanation Of The Level Of Knowledge And Attitude Of The 12-Year-Old Students On Syphilis Prevention At The School Of The General Secondary Education Railaco Ermera, Timor-Leste (2025)

Research Article

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  • Carlos Boavida Tilman



Knowledge, Attitude, Prevention, Syphilis , Secondary Education


Introduction: It is based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2023) indicating that, from 2015 to 2020, there were 2,000 confirmed cases of syphilis in men and 1,085 cases in women, a total of 45.8% of cases. Ministry of Health in Timor-Leste in the year 2023, in the National territory with a total of 10,514 of the number of cases that positive patients 171 of cases, according to the report presented annually by the Ministry of Health Timor-Leste.

Research Objectives: To know the knowledge and attitude of students about the prevention of syphilis at the General Secondary School of Railaco Ermera.

Research Methodology: We use the research methods is quantitative descriptive, probability sampling technique of the technical type simple random sampling with simple random way of random. Of the population are students of the General Secondary School and 69 samples. Technical data collection is the instrument of questionnaires that were applied in the research. 

Discussion Results: Based on Pearson's statistical correction analysis that there is a relationship between knowledge with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 < 0.05, there is a relationship between knowledge of understanding with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 < 0.05, there is a relationship between knowledge of application with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 0.05,  there is a relationship between knowledge of application with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 0.05, there is a relationship between knowledge of application with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 0.05, there is a relationship between knowledge of application with syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 < 0.05, there is a relationship between the attitude and syphilis prevention of P value 0.001 < 0.05,  not accepted from H0.

Conclusion: There is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge of knowledge, understanding, application and prevention of moderate categorially syphilis cited by (Tilman CB., 2025).


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How to Cite

Carlos Boavida Tilman. (2025). The Explanation Of The Level Of Knowledge And Attitude Of The 12-Year-Old Students On Syphilis Prevention At The School Of The General Secondary Education Railaco Ermera, Timor-Leste (2025): Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 4(2), 1–10.




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