Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo



Philosophy of administrative administration, evolution of systems, system of administrative institution in Timor-Leste


Introduction : Starting with the foundations  of the old Traditional Philosophy of Administration that was in force in a generalized way in the countries, and about the so-called pure modern systems that emerged after  the English and French revolutions,  it will also be addressed the evolution that has occurred in these philosophiessince their creation, until the present day, and if this evolution tends to separate them more and more or to bring them closer together,  evaluating or appreciating how  the philosophy of administrative institutionin Timor-Leste has been established and also influenced up to the present time, and what may be its future, of continued development.

Objectives: Tofacilitate public or general understanding of the origins and evolution of existing philosophies of administrative institutions and to frame the organizational philosophy in an administrative system of Timor-Leste to aid its assimilation, facilitating communications and discussions related to the process of development and evolution of the present most appropriate system or philosophy in the country.

Research of Methodology: It is elaborated or made deductive, and based on literary and legislative research work, whose sources will be cited in the bibliography of the academic study in consistency the theoretic framework in research guide. 

Conclusion: To be achieved in order to deepen and improve our knowledge of the main philosophies of administrative institutions and their evolution over time. At the same time, analysing the origins of the philosophy of administrative organisation in Timor-Leste, ascertaining the present state of the same and assessing or appreciating where philosophy is heading in the system of administrative organization in Timor-Leste, is grounded in the public and private institution   cited by (Corte Real AG & Faria V.S., 2024).


FREITAS DO AMARAL, DIOGO, Manual of Administrative Law – volume II, 2nd reprint, Almedina, 2013.

FREITAS DO AMARAL, DIOGO – Course in Administrative Law, volume I, 3rd ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2016.

PEREIRA DA SILVA, VASCO, In search of the lost administrative act, Almedina, 1st edition, 2016.

TAVARES, JOSÉ – Public Administration and Administrative Law, 4th ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2017.

PEREIRA SILVA, VASCO, 2019: "The Administrative Litigation on the Couch of Psychoanalysis" 3rdEdition, Almedina.

ZANELLA PIETRO, Mª SYLVIA, " Administrative Law" 21stEdition, Jurídico Atlas S.A, São Paulo, 2015.

FRANCISCO SOUSA, ANTÓNIO, "Administrative Law", Preface, 2019, Lisbon.

CORREIA, SÉRVULO " Noções de Direito Administrativo" Vol. I, Danúbio Lda., Lisboa, 2012.

VIEIRA ANDRADE, JOSÉ CARLOS, "Lessons in Administrative Law", Coimbra Jurídica 2017.

DIAS, FIGUEIREDO / OLIVEIRA, FERNANDA PAULA, "Fundamental Notions of Administrative Law", 7thedition, Almedina, 20 21.

Annotated Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Decree-Law No. 2/2016 of 16 March, Statute of Presidents of Municipal Authorities and Municipal Administrators.

Decree-Law No. 3/2016, of 16 March (as amended by DL 84/2023, of 23 November) – Statute of Municipal Authorities and the Interministerial Technical Group for Administrative Decentralization;

Ministerial Diploma No. 48/2016 of 30 September, Establishes the services of the Municipal Authorities and Municipal Administrations and approves their functional structure

Ministerial Diploma No. 49/2016 of 30 September, establishes specifically the Administrations of the Administrative Posts and approves the name and specific competences of the respective Local Services (with the wording of Ministerial Diploma No. 40/2023 of 15 September)

Ministerial Diploma No. 50/2016 of 30 September, Rules of Operation of the Assembly of the Administrative Post and Appointment of the respective Members

Ministerial Diploma No. 51/2016 of 30 September, Regulation of the Municipal Advisory Council

Government Decree No. 2/2016 of 6 April, Professional Performance Evaluation Regime for Presidents of Municipal Authorities and Municipal Administrators

Government Decree No. 5/2016 of 6 April, Special Procedure for the Selection of Presidents of Municipal Authorities and Municipal Administrators

Law No. 23/2021 of November 10, Law on Local Government and Administrative Decentralization

Law No. 11/2009, of 7 October, Administrative Division of the Territory (as amended by Law No. 14/2023, of 24 May). NOTE: This week, on 20/11/2023, the National Parliament approved, in a final global vote, a draft law for the 4th amendment to Law no. 11/2019. The diploma will now be submitted to H.E. the President of the Republic, for promulgation.




How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo. (2024). PHILOSOPHIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION THE ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTION IN TIMOR-LESTE: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (2024): Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(3), 1–9.




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