Learning Of The Permissible Perspective In The Bright Of The Structure On Education And Culture Of Timor-Leste (2024)

Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo




Education, culture, uncontrolled youth, citizen participation, democratically rule of law


Introduction: In the constitution article 59.° it is written there that all citizens have the right of access to education, the  State must preserve and convert education with dignity, young people do not give importance to school, to the insertion of citizens' participation in education, thus, education is the pillar of the development of society, culture is the identity of one self  the country's identity, the number of usages and customs stored by the ancestors in the generation that establish the rules that fit into the values of such a fundamental culture.

Research Objective: It is to combat the existing disputes in Timor-Leste society about Education and Culture itself and reveal the importance of Education in our current Society.

Research Methodology: We used the documentary research method, i.e., the deductive method in which the data were collected through bibliographic references (books, articles publications, research gate site, access to internet line, etc.).

Conclusion: The law on the basis of education represents a decisive step towards the establishment of a legal framework for the organization, regulation and development of the education system arising from the profound changes that the country has undergone since its independence. Consecration in accordance with the constitution of the Republic and the Law.  Equality and opportunity and the separations of economic, social and cultural inequalities cited by (Corte Real AG & Babo Soares DC., 2024), official site https://www.ajmcrr.com.


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How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo. (2024). Learning Of The Permissible Perspective In The Bright Of The Structure On Education And Culture Of Timor-Leste (2024): Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(9), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.58372/2835-6276.1208




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