Sacred Liberty The Bright In Constitution Of The Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste (2024)

Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo



Sacred Liberty, Constitution, State, Congregations


Introduction: Sacred liberty consists of autonomy to profess their faith, liberty of integrity and adoration period, and is considered a fundamental correct of people, which is positive in the important rule of state law. Spiritual autonomy is a fundamental human right preserved   in the United Nations of Human Rights in the application of the world (1948; and is optimistic in Timor-Leste important law cited by (Corte Real AG & Tilman CB., 2024). 

Research Objectives: The inspect the legal assumptions of existing sacred autonomy and their legal effects on spiritual practice and pleasure of sacred rights by religious peoples and protection of spiritual admissions in Timor-Leste, to scrutinize the vital susticulture of fundamental constitutional rights on sacred freedom, identify gaps, challenges and propose legislative-alternative solutions to the protection of the rights of sacred minorities to liberty as a fundamental right that is exercised through spiritual concessions.

Funding Discussion: Segred liberty is one of the rights of man and woman, that is, a right inherent to the human person and needs to be confident to berespected. The correct of spiritual freedom in Timor-Leste requires a lot of likeness, because every right is related to the juridic order and the social reality of the nation. 

Conclusion: There are influence this goal, it has the final lyrics to analyze carefully about spiritual autonomy, existence a important right characteristic to the human person and show the contests, before a state with so much multi cultural and spiritual diversity, maintain the congregation, in the implementation practice that has and liberty of application cited by (Corte Real AG & Tilman CB., 2024), official channel


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How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo. (2024). Sacred Liberty The Bright In Constitution Of The Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste (2024): Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(8), 1–11.




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