Capacity Of The President Of The Republic In Relation To The National Parliament And The Government Of Timor-Leste (2024)

Research Article

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  • Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo



Capacity of the President of the Republic RDTL, National Parliament of the RDTL, Government and Functioning of Democratic Institutions


Introduction:  The President of the Republic is the Head of State, symbol and guarantor of national independence, the unity of the state and the regular functioning of democratic institutions under the terms of paragraph 1 of article 74 of the CRDTL, the President of the Republic through his constitutional powers provided for in clause F) of article 86 of the CRDTL, with the President of the Republic to dissolve the National Parliament in the event of a serious constitutional crisis that does not allow the formation of the government or the non-approval of the General State Budget.

Objectives:  to facilitate public understanding of the capacity of the President of the Republic in relation to the national parliament and government.

Methodology: used in the research and elaboration phase, the deductive method was applied, the method of analysis and description for data collection and notes, there was the support of references from books by several authors duly cited in the bibliography, that is, it was only through documentary sources: books, magazines, legal documents, electronic media files.

Conclusion: The competences of the President of the Republic before the National Parliament and the Government respect the principle of separation of powers in the sense that each power has its sphere of preponderant action, without being able to enter the hegemonic sphere of action of another power provided for in article 69 of the CRDTL. In addition to strict separation, this is also a principle of interdependence of powers with the mutual control of checks and balances in order to avoid the abuse of power cited by (Corte Real AG & Francisco S., 2024).


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How to Cite

Alexandre Gentil Corte-Real de Araújo. (2024). Capacity Of The President Of The Republic In Relation To The National Parliament And The Government Of Timor-Leste (2024): Research Article. American Journal of Medical and Clinical Research & Reviews, 3(5), 1–9.




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